Hawthorne Healing

Rebecca Darbishire

About Rebecca

Hello, I’m Rebecca and welcome to my website.

 I am an Artist,  Shamanic Energy medicine Practitioner, Usui and Holy Fire Karuna Reiki Master and a Biofield Practitioner.

I live in the Cumbrian hills with my partner and sheepdog. 

 My journey  began as a child,  with artistic and very creative parents and sister, living in our farmhouse and small-holding in the countryside. Surrounded by fields, becks and fells covered with Hawthorne, Rowan, Elder, Oak , Birch , Walnut and Hazelnut trees.

 Living in such a magical environment , l developed my own way of connecting intuitively to the land and natural world around me .  I began understanding the many ways in which nature communicates through reflection .  I am always learning and am so grateful as l now realise my childhood prepared me for the direction l was guided to take.

  We were taught from a very early age to be thankful for all Mother nature created and only picked what we would consume, leaving fruits and nuts for the birds and wildlife. We were self sufficient and lived with the land and all our animals.

 Throughout my childhood , my sister and l were introduced to many healers who have influenced me in many ways throughout my life. My parents have been my most important teachers , through their magical, creative and positive outlook on life. 

 My love of wild flowers developed and through my fathers guidance, he taught me to paint . We often paint together in our shared studio.

 After her song writing career, my mother turned to poetry and she has taught us to listen to the voice that speaks from our heart and to express ourselves from that place.

Throughout my life I have loved developing my skills in making healing plant and flower tinctures, face oils and creams from organic plants locally and further a field.  Massage and magical ceremonies, working with the elements and fascination in the spaces that appear to be empty.

  Through my own personal experiences I have found that Shamanic healing is an invitation to come back into balance, wholeness and to live a more fulfilling, joyful and purposeful life. 

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